
Showing posts from November, 2021

From the Ground Up: Building a Sustainable Home and Encouraging Civic Engagement

From the street this house will look like all the others. However, if you follow Specialty Publishing Media tech expert Peggy Smedley, from the moment the land is prepped, this home will be a model for sustainable, resilient, and efficient residential homebuilding practices. Peggy and her husband David are embarking on the unimaginable. They are building a Living Lab, with the help of a host of industry partners to encourage ecofriendly and green living. The post From the Ground Up: Building a Sustainable Home and Encouraging Civic Engagement appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Supply Chain: Ready or Not

Greys Sosic, professor, USC Marshall School of Business, addresses the overarching challenges impacting the global supply chain. She explains that in the last several decades we have witnessed the supply chain attempting to become more efficient—and it was highly successful as long as it was working and didn’t have any big disruptions. The good news in all of this, she says, is that digital transformation is a good solution and we are realizing the benefits of digitally transforming supply chains. The post Supply Chain: Ready or Not appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

What’s Next: Opportunities Abound

Welcome to a new month. As we head into the New Year, we need to consider how business has changed in the past year and how it might also change in the year ahead. We are at the precipice of a great shift in business, all with the help of digital transformation and the IoT (Internet of Things). The time is now for great innovation. Let me explain. The post What’s Next: Opportunities Abound appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Thinking Ahead to 6G and the Internet of Everything

As the telecommunications space focuses most of its efforts on facilitating the transition from 4G to 5G, the R&D (research and development) world is already working on what’s next—6G, the sixth generation of wireless technology. While we mustn’t put the cart before the horse, research and analysis firms are already predicting 6G could be viable around 2030—and, in some predictions, even earlier. The post Thinking Ahead to 6G and the Internet of Everything appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

November: Do or Die: The Supply Chain Goes Digital

It’s 2021, and the decade of sustainability is officially underway. 2020 proved to be a bit of a hiccup, but, despite some setbacks, sustainability has remained a focus for cities around the world. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have made it even clearer to governments that they need to be building digital, sustainable cities if they’re going to thrive under the pressure of future challenges, including global climate change. The post November: Do or Die: The Supply Chain Goes Digital appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

8 Useful Things To Add To Your Outdoor Space

Spending time outside is a great way to enjoy the summer. Outdoor spaces, like gardens and decks, also provide benefits for your mental and physical health. The post 8 Useful Things To Add To Your Outdoor Space appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

The Big Flower Trend: Like It, or Hate It?

If you’ve been tracking the changes in wallpaper patterns, you know that you can get wallpaper that depicts almost anything. The post The Big Flower Trend: Like It, or Hate It? appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Top Five Sleep Gadgets for Your Perfect Bedroom: Wake Up and Sleep Smart

Want to improve your bedroom and fall asleep faster? Here are the top five sleep gadgets for your perfect bedroom. The post Top Five Sleep Gadgets for Your Perfect Bedroom: Wake Up and Sleep Smart appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

The Future Of Construction: 9 Best Building Materials For Sustainability

With the diverse advancements in building materials and construction, new products have become available in the market. The post The Future Of Construction: 9 Best Building Materials For Sustainability appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

What to Consider When Choosing Smart Home Window Blinds

With smart home window blinds, you can open and close your blinds via an app, or even set it to open or close at certain times of the day or night. The post What to Consider When Choosing Smart Home Window Blinds appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Cybersecurity and Hijacked IP Addresses

With the rise in ransomware and cyberattacks on businesses of all sizes, executives need to be vigilant about protecting their business and protecting their data. Here’s the challenge: new forces are going to make this harder than ever before. The post Cybersecurity and Hijacked IP Addresses appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

5G and the Future of EV Production

Welcome to a new era of connectivity, where faster feeds and speeds will bring new opportunities in manufacturing. Worldwide 5G network infrastructure revenue is on pace to grow 39% to total $19.1 billion in 2021, up from $13.7 billion in 2020, according to the latest forecast by Gartner. The result will be more efficient manufacturing processes. The post 5G and the Future of EV Production appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Top Digital Marketing Strategies to Employ amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, go digital in marketing your business and promoting your products or services. Learn what digital marketing strategies to employ. The post Top Digital Marketing Strategies to Employ amid the COVID-19 Pandemic appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

The Benefits Of Getting Cut-To-Size Plastic Materials For Your DIY Project

In this article, we will try to help you understand the benefits cut-to-size plastic materials have to offer. The post The Benefits Of Getting Cut-To-Size Plastic Materials For Your DIY Project appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

6 Reasons Why Landscaping Is Important For Home Design

A beautiful landscape that is properly maintained can create warmth and welcome you every time you look into your garden. The post 6 Reasons Why Landscaping Is Important For Home Design appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

4 Things You Should Know About Wildfire Damage

Wildfires can be a serious problem for people living in areas where they are common. They can cause significant damage to property and belongings. The post 4 Things You Should Know About Wildfire Damage appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How Long Does a Landlord Have to Return a Deposit in the UK?

If your tenancy agreement is about to end, one of the first things you need to do is ensure your home  is clean, organised, and in good condition. The post How Long Does a Landlord Have to Return a Deposit in the UK? appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How To Prepare Your HVAC System For The Christmas Season

With the festive season fast approaching, it is time for every homeowner to ensure that their home is in top condition for the season's chills. The post How To Prepare Your HVAC System For The Christmas Season appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Development of Wireless Power Supply Regardless of Motion

For years people have been excited about the prospect of wireless power. Several technologies and products were developed and tested ranging from near field, which required placing the device on a pod to far field wireless tech, which required an antenna connected to the mains to provide power around it. The post Development of Wireless Power Supply Regardless of Motion appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

The Steps to Safer AVs, EVs

With the need to curb traffic accidents and the rise of greater urbanization, AVs (autonomous vehicles) and EVs (electric vehicles) represent the future of automotive. However, a few real hurdles still stand in the way. Chief among those hurdles is the safety and security of the vehicles. The post The Steps to Safer AVs, EVs appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Microsoft Ignite Previews Future of Work and More

Microsoft recently wrapped up its annual Ignite event, which previews upcoming product releases and showcases product updates. In the IoT (Internet of Things) world, Ignite has become an event to watch, because Microsoft’s hands are in so many IoT-related pies. This year’s conference included Azure news and other updates of note in enterprise security, AI (artificial intelligence)-enhanced productivity tools, and more. Many updates and announcements were in the realm of enabling the future of work and how emerging technologies can facilitate collaboration in this new era. The company also released some research reflecting trends to watch in the IoT space. The post Microsoft Ignite Previews Future of Work and More appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Security Tips: How To Be Sure You And Your Home Are Protected

Your home is full of appliances and electrical equipment, but you can prevent the dangers they pose to your property and family through careful planning. The post Security Tips: How To Be Sure You And Your Home Are Protected appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

HVAC: 4 Ways to Know When You Should Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced

If you've ever walked into your home on a blistering summer day, you know how important it is to have an air conditioner. The post HVAC: 4 Ways to Know When You Should Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

What is the Difference between a Sensor and Transducer?

The term transducer refers to an electrical appliance or device capable of converting energy from any one of its forms into another variation. The post What is the Difference between a Sensor and Transducer? appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Useful Home Design Tips That Will Make Your Home Look Stunning

Are you looking for useful home design tips that will make your home look stunning? The post Useful Home Design Tips That Will Make Your Home Look Stunning appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

What Should You Do If You Want to Buy a New House

Buying a home is one of the most important steps you will have to take. Since it costs a lot of money, you have to put quite a bit of thought into it. The post What Should You Do If You Want to Buy a New House appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

5 Ways To Save Money On Your Next Home Remodeling Project

With strategic planning and the right methods, it’s possible to achieve your home renovation goals without breaking the bank. The post 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Next Home Remodeling Project appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How Can Adding Cushions And Accessories Improve Your Home Design

They don't just make a space more comfortable, they also give it an aesthetic that will be attractive to any guest that comes over. The post How Can Adding Cushions And Accessories Improve Your Home Design appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How To Make Your Home Winter-Ready On A Budget

While the winter months have their benefits, few people like the cold that comes with them. The post How To Make Your Home Winter-Ready On A Budget appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How These 4 Flat Roofing Benefits Can Improve Your Home

Looking to start construction on your dream home? Going for flat roofing will offer you benefits that will improve your home. The post How These 4 Flat Roofing Benefits Can Improve Your Home appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

6 Steps to Enhance Your Cooking Experience at Home

The process of cooking, eating and spending time with friends and family is something which should be enjoyed every step of the way. The post 6 Steps to Enhance Your Cooking Experience at Home appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Women Return to the Workforce

Women left the workforce in waves during the pandemic—most due to lack of childcare. Now, many are looking to return, and they are eyeing one area in particular: STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The post Women Return to the Workforce appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

EVs, Digital Twins Key to Meeting Climate Change Goals in U.S.

The 26th annual Climate Change Conference of the Parties, also called COP26, began on October 31 in Glasgow and is now coming to a close. The summit brought global parties together to discuss how nations can work individually and collaboratively to meet collective climate-change goals outlined in the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change. The post EVs, Digital Twins Key to Meeting Climate Change Goals in U.S. appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

3 Things That You Shouldn’t Forget Before Going To The Mountain 

When embarking on a mountain adventure, there are a lot of things to consider and plan for. The post 3 Things That You Shouldn’t Forget Before Going To The Mountain  appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How to Keep Your Home in Great Working Order

When everything is operating well and according to plan, your house may serve as a place where you can relax and unwind after a long day at the office. The post How to Keep Your Home in Great Working Order appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

6 Useful Home Improvements You Can Benefit From

Homes can be an investment that can give many years of enjoyment. The problem is that they may need repairs or renovations much sooner than you anticipated. The post 6 Useful Home Improvements You Can Benefit From appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Five Keys to Future-proofing Your Organization with IIoT

Industrial manufacturers have embraced the concept of future-proofing their organizations via the Industrial IIoT (Internet of Things). What started as a growing realization in 2019 as pressure to meet the needs of rapid change and escalating volatility has fully solidified as a business imperative in the wake of the pandemic. According to a recent survey conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Analog Devices, “industrial manufacturers who have made investments in connectivity technologies are better positioned to drive innovation and gain a competitive advantage compared to firms that have been slower to implement connectivity….” The post Five Keys to Future-proofing Your Organization with IIoT appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

October: What’s Driving EV Adoption and What’s Holding It Back

It’s 2021, and the decade of sustainability is officially underway. 2020 proved to be a bit of a hiccup, but, despite some setbacks, sustainability has remained a focus for cities around the world. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have made it even clearer to governments that they need to be building digital, sustainable cities if they’re going to thrive under the pressure of future challenges, including global climate change. The post October: What’s Driving EV Adoption and What’s Holding It Back appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

The Evolution of Hackers

Peggy is joined by Gary Salman, CEO and cofounder, Black Talon Security, to talk about the latest trends in cyberattacks and how cybercriminals are literally stealing and selling data on the dark web. They also take a deep dive into how companies need to be aware of ransomware attacks and how to cope should an attack happen. The post The Evolution of Hackers appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

The Future of Carbon Neutrality

This is a big week for sustainability and carbon neutrality. The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, is the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference and is being held in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, between October 31 and Nov. 12, 2021. The post The Future of Carbon Neutrality appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT