The Cloud of Tomorrow
Episode 785 08.23.22 Nick McQuire, director, strategic missions and technologies, Microsoft joins Peggy to talk about the future of the cloud, sharing the four key areas that are collectively shaping the future of cloud. He also shares the three key technology shifts that are core to both today’s innovations and tomorrow’s disruptions, and stresses how co-innovation will play a role in making future cloud technologies available to all. Below is an excerpt from the interview. To listen to the conversation from The Peggy Smedley Show, click here or go to to access the entire show. Peggy Smedley: Nick, I’m excited to have you back to talk about your new role at Microsoft. So, really tell us what’s going on. Nick McQuire: Yeah, lots going on. It’s so exciting to be able to share a little bit with you and your listeners. I work in Microsoft’s Strategic Missions and Technologies division or SMT, as we refer to it, in the acronym sense. This is our busin...