
Showing posts from February, 2021

Expert Know-How Is Worsening Due to Pandemic

Companies for years have been dealing with an aging workforce, losing talent and know-how to retirement. Now the pandemic has accelerated this, in all industries, and at all levels. How do you replace the 20-year service or maintenance veterans and the know-how that is in their heads? Right now, your best techs are super busy supporting customers and newer techs. One of them calls you tomorrow and says they are suddenly retiring. How can you make up for their knowledge once they walk out the door? The post Expert Know-How Is Worsening Due to Pandemic appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Executive Order Lays Foundation for More Resilient Supply Chains

The COVID-19 pandemic and global health crisis that began in 2020 shed light on several supply-chain issues, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Ideally, during a crisis, the U.S. would be able to rise to the occasion, shifting gears quickly and efficiently to ensure that whatever resources are in short supply—whether it’s toilet paper, food, medicine, or something else—make their way into the hands of those in need. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the pandemic, this wasn’t the case. It became clear that, in general, supply chains in the U.S. weren’t quite as flexible and agile as they needed to be. And now, the White House is looking to create systemic change that could strengthen U.S. supply chains and prevent similar situations from happening again.   The post Executive Order Lays Foundation for More Resilient Supply Chains appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via I

AVs Ramp Up

For years, we have been talking about how AV (autonomous vehicle) technology is going to change the way our transportation systems look. From buses, to trams and trains, to construction equipment, to the very cars we drive, more often vehicles are becoming equipped with self-driving technology. We know AVs can help reduce congestion and make mobility more comfortable, but we also know there are a lot of factors that need to converge to help make this a reality—and perhaps that time is now. The post AVs Ramp Up appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

February: Exascale and the Next Frontier of Supercomputing

When the clock struck midnight on January 1, the world let out a collective sigh of relief. 2020 wasn’t the best of years, and the hope is that 2021 will bring respite in the form of a COVID-19 vaccine that helps stop the spread of the virus and, therefore, lays the foundation for a global economic recovery. According to Deloitte’s latest CFO Signals report, which highlights Q4 2020, company CFOs appear optimistic upon entering 2021 and expect operations could approach near-normal sometime during the second half of next year. While fewer than a quarter (18%) of CFOs rated the North American economy as “good” right now, more than half (59%) expect better conditions by the end of 2021. The post February: Exascale and the Next Frontier of Supercomputing appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

How to Make Your Home More Stylish

People are spending more time in their homes than ever before and are finding that they could use a little updating. The post How to Make Your Home More Stylish appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Tips to Protect Your New Home

Buying a new home is a big investment. You should do everything that you can to protect your investment and safeguard your home from damage. The post Tips to Protect Your New Home appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Synthetic Turf: Make Your Yard Look “Natural”

Synthetic turf was invented only decades ago and gained popularity among people for its durability and low maintenance in different conditions. The post Synthetic Turf: Make Your Yard Look “Natural” appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

4 Reasons to Become a Roofing Contractor

Are you interested in a roofing business? Or are you a self-made skilled worker who wants to hit the big-time? Then, why not become a roofing contractor? The post 4 Reasons to Become a Roofing Contractor appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

What Is the Difference Between a Radial and Oscillating Drill Press?

A carpenter handling a bit of light metalwork will find it beneficial when using the two types of drills because of the varying demands The post What Is the Difference Between a Radial and Oscillating Drill Press? appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

5G’s Future ‘Never Brighter’?

We can all agree 2020 left the market with many questions for 5G. One question is how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the progress of 5G, if at all. A recent Verizon report demonstrates that business technology decisionmakers are more confident in 5G and poised to take advantage of it than ever before. Another new report, this one from Spirent Communications, suggests 5G’s future has “never been brighter.” Are these invested companies contributing to the 5G hype cycle, or are they just calling it like it is? The post 5G’s Future ‘Never Brighter’? appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Systemic Change: What’s Next for Women

Another 275,000 women left the labor force in January in the United States. These are women who were working and now are no longer doing so and are no longer even looking for employment. Gone. The total number of women who have left the labor force since the start of the pandemic reached more than 2.3 million last month alone. This puts the women’s labor force participation rate at an abysmal 57%, which the National Women’s Law Center says had not been this low since 1988. We are moving backwards—literally. How truly disappointing is this for us when we think about all the progress we have made—globally, that is! The post Systemic Change: What’s Next for Women appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

4 Ways to Save on Winter Heating Costs

While you might not be able to lower the price of electricity, there are a lot of things you can do to lower your bill. The post 4 Ways to Save on Winter Heating Costs appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

I Installed Solar Panels On My 89-Year-Old Garage To Make My Electric Car Truly Zero Emissions

by Bradley Brownell The blending of new technology and old makes me extremely excited these days. Whether it’s the idea of shoving an electric motor into an old VW van, or powering my near nonagenarian home with modern photovoltaics, it gets me so amped. Of course the pun is intended, whatchou think? We downsized and moved into a lovely little Paul R. Williams-designed Lea Steel home in downtown Reno last June, and late last year we decided that it was time to convert as much of our energy use as possible to renewable. And after I bought my Nissan Leaf, I knew it would probably be a good idea to install a level 2 charger. Time to kill two birds with one stone. I contracted with a local company called Great Basin Solar, which has lots of experience in the industry (basically since there has been a solar industry) and came well reviewed. I couldn’t be happier with the result, honestly. They were backed up almost two months, but once they got on the job, it was done super quickly. Two

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Peaceful

Your home should nurture and support you, and if it doesn’t, something is not right. The post 5 Ways to Make Your Home More Peaceful appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Never Sleep Hot Again With the ChiliPad Cube Advanced Cooling Mattress Pad

The ChiliPad is designed to regulate the temperature of your bed so that you can have the high-quality sleep that you deserve. The post Never Sleep Hot Again With the ChiliPad Cube Advanced Cooling Mattress Pad appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Does a Home Warranty Make Sense in 2021

As a property buyer, you don’t want to throw your money into a pit. You need to be reassured that your purchase comes with some kind of guarantee. The post Does a Home Warranty Make Sense in 2021 appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

What Should I Look For When Buying a Garage Door?

Choosing the right garage door can be a challenging task. However, with the right knowledge, your door has the capability to last you for years to come. The post What Should I Look For When Buying a Garage Door? appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Digital on the Desktop

Like it or not, VoIP—voice over internet protocol—may soon be the only business phone choice. Connectivity is paramount in today’s business environment—especially as many workers in a variety of industries continue to work under unique circumstances. But connectivity doesn’t always come just in sensors and smartphones. The post Digital on the Desktop appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Systemic Change and the Digital Divide

It is time to close the digital divide. A confluence of factors has led to this moment in history—yes, the pandemic, but also a number of other societal impacts and advancing technologies. We are at the precipice of a shift—one where we can come together to redefine our world. The post Systemic Change and the Digital Divide appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

Trends in Tech to Watch Out For

Keeping up with trends in markets like tech is very important to maintaining your entrepreneurial edge. The post Trends in Tech to Watch Out For appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Things to Consider Before Buying Your First Home

Are you considering taking the leap and buying your first piece of real estate? If so, there are probably lots of questions floating around in your mind. The post Things to Consider Before Buying Your First Home appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How to Maintain Your Garden Weeds Better

A weed-free garden may sound impossible to others, but with enough effort and time, it's possible to at least reduce the growth of weeds in your garden. The post How to Maintain Your Garden Weeds Better appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Technology Decisionmakers Weigh in on 5G

It’s been said repeatedly that 5G is one of the biggest market opportunities in the next decade, but an unclear roadmap has been a hurdle up to this point. Is this still the case going into 2021? At CES, 2021 was heralded as the year of transition from readiness and availability of 5G. But, then again, 2020 was predicted by many to be the year of 5G, but now that the year is over, it’s safe to say 2020 will be known for other things. New research provides a glimpse into how business technology decisionmakers and their companies are positioned toward 5G in the wake of all that happened in 2020. The post Technology Decisionmakers Weigh in on 5G appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

5G: What’s Next

In my last blog, I explained how in the next three years, 5G and Wi-Fi 6 are expected to more than double in importance, becoming the most critical wireless technologies for businesses. I started by narrowing in on Wi-Fi 6, but now let’s turn our attention to 5G. The post 5G: What’s Next appeared first on Connected World . from Connected World via IFTTT

7 Ways to Heat Your Home

Depending on your needs and preferences, there are several different methods of heating a home to choose from. The post 7 Ways to Heat Your Home appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Best Tips for Your Next Home Decorating Project

Home decorating projects can be scary, especially if you have little experience in interior design. However, they can also be exciting. The post Best Tips for Your Next Home Decorating Project appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

The Benefits of Public Relations

When done right, public relations can reach a broad audience minus the costly cost of conventional advertising and marketing. The post The Benefits of Public Relations appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

How to Add More Curb Appeal to Your Home

As a homeowner, you should be concerned with the amount of curb appeal your residence has. Do you want to add more curb appeal to your home? The post How to Add More Curb Appeal to Your Home appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT

Reasons Why You Should Buy Mattresses from a Mattress Store

Here are the two main reasons why you should buy mattresses from the pros and not over a random Amazon store. The post Reasons Why You Should Buy Mattresses from a Mattress Store appeared first on At Home in the Future . from At Home in the Future via IFTTT