Highlights of AWS re:Invent 2021

It’s one of the most wonderful times of the year—AWS (Amazon Web Services) re:Invent 2021. Nestled between holidays, AWS put on its conference for the global cloud computing community that included lots of product announcements around architecture, compute, containers, the IoT (Internet of Things), machine learning, migration and transfer services, security, and quantum technologies, as well as boot camps for attendees looking to sharpen their AWS skills, forward-looking keynotes, workshops, and breakout sessions on topics like AI (artificial intelligence), and, in general, ample opportunities for business owners, developers, IT executives, and others to learn and collaborate.

The post Highlights of AWS re:Invent 2021 appeared first on Connected World.

from Connected World https://connectedworld.com/highlights-of-aws-reinvent-2021/


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